Commission page

Here you can see how you can get my drawing up to 1 week.
Conditions to call out me:
In these sheets, you're choosing commission plan:
Character style:
Paint: +
Paint + Shadow: +
Lineless paint: +
Lineless paint + Shadow: +
Backround style:
Abstract: +
Paint + Shadow: +
Lineless paint: +
Lineless paint + Shadow: +
Drawing style:
(multiply with current result
added from top to bottom) *
After choosing one, you click "save plan into clipboard", and paste it to me.
Right now you can pay using: If you're lacking of money, or you can't get access to payment system, you can make a contribution to my active GitHub projects using "pull requests"(I accept good code, so you can ask me is it valid), or draw as best as you can drawings of my characters(don't try ai, it has to be yours and high quality), or befriend with me(hours chatting with me isn't meaning we're friends).
You can pay full prise before even drawing or you can pay half of the prize for sketch and another half for the rest of the process. You can ask for refund in any stage of drawing full prise, but you can recieve the part of refund when the complex drawing was at end stage
What I draw: What I CAN'T draw:
Also a couple of details:
  • I can post your art in a certain platforms I'm accesible new and mention you in your wish OR you can post it with my mention and link to certain platform I'm accesible
  • After that, for a day, or for a week(more than a week after payment you can ask about another drawing as free), you're getting a drawing from me. Lastly, don't forget to mention me in case of publishing my work.